The Change in the Field of Dance and Rehabilitation by Using the GYROTONIC® Method

From left to right: Poster Presenters Jennifer S. Dalva, Jeanine Ferrone, Rita Renha, & Marni Larkin From teaching to speaking with medical professionals first hand, Specialized GYROTONIC® Master Trainer Rita Renha wrote an open letter about the progress that’s happening between dance rehabilitation and physical therapy today. These progressions involve the collaboration of GYROTONIC® Manhasset, …

journey back to dance #6: old and new injuries

A Journey Back to Dance #6: Dealing with Old and New Injuries

(Above: Teaching a GYROKINESIS® class via Video Chat to help dancer, Valeria Caboi, recover from an old hip injury.) Often times dancers have to deal with either old and/or new injuries, especially when returning to training and performance. Even when we train, retrain, and cross train to prevent and reduce injury old or even new injuries could flare up when the body is …