gyrotonic and gyrokinesis equals body awareness kindall payne lisbon portugal

Why the GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® Methods Enhance Body Awareness

There are some incredible benefits in delving into both of these methods simultaneously; largely body awareness. Here are 5 reasons why, backed by research, that I’ve seen within my clients and have experienced personally. 1) You’re educated about your own body. Developing body awareness is quite important for understanding movement as it’s also key to …

gyrokinesis workshop retreat gers france kindall payne

Les Terres de Gaïa: a 5-Day Wellness Experience in Gers, France – 2

For the rest of the stay, our mornings began around 730am to meet in the cooking atelier for tea, coffee, water, and dried fruits followed by a morning GYROKINESIS® class. After a good introduction and recap of the Gyrokinesis movement principles, we were ready for a fuller class complete with the self-massage, ‘awakening of the …

yoga pilates gyrokinesis massage hiking beach retreat almeria spain

SPRING RESET – Yoga, Pilates, GYROKINESIS® & Nature

31 March – 4th April, 2022Finca del AlamoAlmería, Spain Happy new Year! This week I officially released details of my upcoming wellness weekend in my Newsletter and on Instagram, and I’m very much looking forward to it. This long weekend will consist of Yoga, Pilates, and GYROKINESIS® classes alongside massages and outdoor activities to explore the hills and …

hiatus - november classes resume December kindall gyrotonic gyrokinesis

Be back shortly!

Hi movers, As some of you may or may not already know, I’ve been back in the States finally visiting family and catching up with friends that I haven’t seen over the last couple of years. I’m excited to share where I’ve been and what classes I’ve been taking from New York to California. Looking …

Jamila Kinney: On Lockdown & the Importance of the Moving Body

Jamila Kinney: On Lockdown & the Importance of the Moving Body

Meet Jamila Kinney – Dancer and certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Pretrainer based in Chicago, Illinois. She’s also a Reiki and Zen Shiastu practitioner with a Master’s in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counselling. I welcome the slowing down, I welcome the change. It leaves room to see what comes up […] The body is a historian. It …