the movers and the makers the movement blog podcast kindall payne
Dance Health Interviews

The Movers & The Makers – A Podcast for the Creators

The Movement Blog’s excited to introduce its own Podcast: The Movers & the Makers, coming March 2018 with Kindall Payne

the movers and the makers podcast the movement blog kindall payne

Aim of the Podcast

To have real conversations with artists, trainers, fitness and dance enthusiasts about situations dealing with health, fitness, wellbeing, travel, working, etc. The ultimate aim is to therefore give The Movement Blog an audible platform, a voice, for its readers and collaborators. By bringing contemporary dance cultures and conversations towards the limelight, this podcast will be able to be a part of making dance less ‘niche’ and more ‘necessary’.

Reason for Introducing The Movers & the Makers

Podcasts have been a big hit since the early 2000’s, however Dance Podcasts are slowly on the rise. While there are quite a few that focus on the ballet and/or the North American dance scene, there’s just a handful that focus on contemporary dance in an international sense. This upcoming podcast was made to shine a light on people’s unique approach to living and surviving as a freelance dancer, trainer, mover, artist, you name it.

Release of the Podcast

Starting with 5 episodes right off the bat, The Movers & The Makers will be available across most podcast platforms including on this blog. Thereafter, be sure to tune in every 2 weeks. With your engagement, we could get this dance podcast to become a part of iTunes New & Noteworthy and further spread this release to a wider range of audiences. Now is the time to open up conversations about topics we’re all thinking but haven’t spoken about yet.

Get Involved!

Have something you’d like to share? I’d be happy to hear it! I’ll be on the constant lookout for upcoming and established dancers, choreographers, fitness trainers, and any other artists, performers, etc. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch:

the movers and the makers podcast the movement blog kindall payne

Your input and feedback will help make this podcast grow and be heard internationally. Thank you all for your support!

Stay tuned!


Kindall's a Contemporary Dancer, certified Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainer, Dance Teacher, and Stretch Therapist who's heavily fascinated with dance, fitness, well-being, research and travel. You can take Kindall's classes both in London and online.

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