Jamila Kinney: On Lockdown & the Importance of the Moving Body
Interviews the Gyrokinesis Method the Gyrotonic Method

Jamila Kinney: On Lockdown & the Importance of the Moving Body

Meet Jamila Kinney – Dancer and certified GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® Pretrainer based in Chicago, Illinois. She’s also a Reiki and Zen Shiastu practitioner with a Master’s in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counselling.

I welcome the slowing down, I welcome the change. It leaves room to see what comes up […] The body is a historian. It keeps track of everything single thing – every emotion, every thought.

Jamila Kinney

I met Jamila virtually during lockdown (July 2020) as I wanted to reach out to other trainers, especially trainers of color. Turns out we have mutual friends! It was such a pleasure to speak with her and hear her journey with the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® methods.

At the time of this conversation, we not only saw the Pandemic unfold but also police brutality and racism (again) in the States, amongst many other pivotal occurrences in the summer of 2020. Feeling far from home and having lack of human interaction, I continued to see lockdown as an opportunity to speak to others in my sector to check in and see how they were really doing in the midst of all of this.

Listen to Jamila’s story.

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Chicago Northshore Kinetics




Kindall's a Contemporary Dancer, certified Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainer, Dance Teacher, and Stretch Therapist who's heavily fascinated with dance, fitness, well-being, research and travel. You can take Kindall's classes both in London and online.

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